New Blog Contribution 'Schutz von Kulturland: Lieber die Anderen'

A new contribution has been published in the Agrarpolitik Blog by Robert Huber: 'Schutz von Kulturland: Lieber die Anderen'
New Publication in the Journal of Environmental Planning and Management

A new paper with AECP contribution has been published: Drobnik T., Huber R., Grêt-Regamey A. 2016. Coupling a settlement growth model with an agro-economic land allocation model for securing ecosystem services provision. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management.
Sergei Schaub joins AECP

We welcome Sergei Schaub as new Doctoral student and Member of the AECP group!
Open Position for a PostDoc

We are looking for Postdoctoral Researcher in Grassland Ecosystem Valuation
Book Review on Musshoff & Hirschauer 2016 published in GJAE

A book review by Robert Finger on Oliver Musshoff and Norbert Hirschauer (2016) Modernes Agrarmanagement – Betriebswirtschaftliche Analyse- und Planungsverfahren, 4th ed.,Vahlen, München, was published in the German Journal of Agricultural Economics
Interview with Robert Finger on Risk Management

An interview with Robert Finger on Risk Management was published in Die Grüne
Article and Interview with Robert Finger on Pesticide Taxation

An article and interview with Robert Finger on the currently published report on pesticide taxation appeared in the Die Grüne
Code of Alpine Land-Use Allocation Model (ALUAM) published

We published the code of the Alpine Land-Use Allocation Model (ALUAM), which is a spatially explicit, agent-based land-use model, as open source.
Ladina Knapp joins AECP

We welcome Ladina Knapp as Member in the AECP group!
Interview with Robert Finger on Pesticide Taxation

An interview with Robert Finger on Pesticide Taxation in Switzerland was broadcasted at SRF Wissenschaftsmagazin