The SURE-Farm project

Towards SUstainable and REsilient EU FARMing systems (SURE-Farm)”. Concerns exist about the viability of EU farming systems. In this four-year project we aim to design concrete pathways to improve the resilience of farming systems.
New Paper in Ecological Economics

A new AECP paper was published: Finger, R., Möhring, N., Dalhaus, T., Böcker, T. (2017). Revisiting pesticide taxation schemes. Ecological Economics
New Paper in Agricultural Economics

A new AECP paper was published: Finger, R., Listorti, G. Tonini, A. (2017). The Swiss payment for milk processed into cheese: ex-post and ex-ante analysis. Agricultural Economics
AECP group presents selected projects in the 2016 Yearbook of the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology

The AECP group presents its members, teaching activities and selected projects in the 2016 Yearbook of the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
Two articles in the Agrarforschung Schweiz

Two articles by Robert Huber on compliance costs of agri-environmental measures have been published in the Agrarforschung Schweiz
New Publication in the Journal of Economic Surveys

A new paper of Stefan Hirsch has been published: Hirsch, S. (2017): Successful in the long run? A meta-regression analysis of persistent firm profits. Journal of Economic Surveys.
New Project AgroCO2ncept

Economic analysis of reducing greenhouse gas emissions on farm and regional level: Evaluation of the AgroCO2ncept program in Flaachtal (Switzerland)
5 New Lectures by AECP Group

The AECP group is offering 5 new lectures for the coming semester. In the Bachelor Program: Produktion, Investition und Risikomanagement (Finger), Agrarpolitik (Huber), Agrarökonomie im World Food System (4 AECP Lecturers); In the Master Program: Applied Food Industrial Organisation (Hirsch) and Current Topics in Agricultural Economics (Finger)
Hang Xiong joins the AECP group

We welcome Hang Xiong as PostDoc in the AECP group!
Presentation by Simone Severini on February 10

We cordially invite you to the Research Seminar by Simone Severini (Tuscia University) on the topic of "The implementation of the CAP risk management measures in Italy: preliminary results and scope for further analyses on the Income Stabilization Tool"