New paper in Agricultural Systems

A new AECP paper was published: Mack, G. and Huber, R. (2017): On-farm compliance costs and N surplus reduction of mixed dairy farms under grassland-based feeding systems.
The DIVERSGRASS project was presented in the Plant Science News.

The project is part of the "Bridging plant sciences and society" initiative of the Plant Science Center and supported by the Mercator Foundation Switzerland.
Eine Pflanzenschutzmittel-Steuer für Deutschland?

Ein neuer Beitrag auf dem Agrarpolitik-Blog. Thomas Böcker diskutiert einen aktuellen Vorschlag zur Besteuerung von PSM in Deutschland.
New paper in Regional Environmental Change

A new AECP paper was published: Brunner, S.H.; Huber R.; Grêt-Regamey, A. (2017). Mapping uncertainties in the future provision of ecosystem services in a mountain region in Switzerland. Regional Environmental Change