12 Contributions of AECP Group at XV EAAE Congress

12 contributions of our group have been accepted for presentation at the XV EAAE Congress 2017 taking place in Parma
New Blog Contribution: @Swiss agriculture: Total disaster

A book review by Robert Huber on 'Die Schweizer Landwirtschaft stirbt leise. Lasst die Bauern wieder Bauern sein'
Awards for excellent AECP students

The Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology (SGA) awards Marc Chautems and Janic Bucheli for their exceptional Bachelor Thesis supervised by the AECP group.
Stefan Hirsch wins best presentation award

Solen Le Chlec'h joins the AECP group

We welcome Solen Le Clec'h as PostDoc in the AECP group!