Blog Contribution on Agricultural Insurances

A new blog contribution (in German) by Robert Finger on the development of new agricultural insurance solutions
New paper in sustainability

A new AECP paper was published: Lorenz, B.A.; Hartmann, M.; Hirsch, S.; Kanz, O.; Langen, N. Determinants of Plate Leftovers in One German Catering Company.
New paper in Ecosystems

A new AECP paper was published: Le Clec'h, S.; Jégou, N.; Decaens, T.; Dufour, S.; Grimaldi, M.; Oszwald, J. From Field Data to Ecosystem Services Maps: Using Regressions for the Case of Deforested Areas Within the Amazon.
New paper in Agrarforschung Schweiz

A new AECP paper was published: Finger, R.; Böcker, Th.; Möhring, N.; Dalhaus, T. Lenkungsabgaben auf Pflanzenschutzmittel. Agraforschung Schweiz.
New paper in Land Use Policy

A new AECP paper was published: Huber, R.; Snell, R.; Monin, F.; Brunner, S.H.; Schmatz, D.; Finger, R. (2017): Interaction effects of targeted agri-environmental payments on non-marketed goods and services under climate change in mountain region.
Presentation by Ivana Logar May 12

On may 12, Ivana Logar (EAWAG) is presenting a paper on 'Attribute non-attendance in discrete choice experiments: Evidence from Swiss case studies' in the lunch seminar series. ZUE G1, 12.15-13.15