Presentation by Wolfram Schlenker on July 12

Wolfram Schlenker will present a paper 'Weather shocks over food producing regions in developing countries significantly affect asylum applications to the European Union' on July 12, 2017.
New paper in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA

A new AECP paper was published: Walter, A.; Finger, R.; Huber, R.; Buchmann, N. 2017. Smart farming is key to developing sustainable agriculture.
Blog contribution on Agricultural Policy

A new blog contribution (in German) by Robert Huber on the structural change in mountainous regions
New paper in Chinese Journal of Sociology

A new AECP paper was published: Xiong, H.; Payne, D.Characteristics of Chinese rural networks: Evidence from villages in cental China
Blog Contribution on Agricultural Policy

A new blog contribution (in German) by Robert Huber on the interaction between direct payments