Blog contribution on the impact of climate change in agriculture

A new blog contribution (in Italian) from Martina Bozzola on the impact of climate change in agriculture
Article DROSOPHRISK project in Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau (SZO)

First results of survey amongst Swiss cherry, plum and grape producers on damages caused spotted-wing drosophila in 2016.
New paper in Ecosystem Services

A new paper was published: Rewitzer, S.; Huber, R.; Grêt-Regamey, A.; Barkmann, J. 2017. Economic valuation of cultural ecosystem service changes to a landscape in the Swiss Alps
Blog contribution on smart agriculture

A new blog contribution (in German) from Robert Huber on the definition of "smart farming"
Open position for Postdoctoral Researcher

We are looking for a Postdoctoral Researcher with a background in Agricultural Economics
Open position for PhD student

We are looking for a PhD student in the AgroCO2ncept project