New paper in Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling

A new paper was published: Cai, J.; Xiong, H. An agent-based simulation of cooperation in the use of irrigation systems
AECP Project InnoFarm Accepted at NRP 73

The project 'Reconciling innovative farming practices and networks to enable sustainable development of smart Swiss farming systems' (InnoFarm) under the lead of the AECP group has been accepted for the National Research Programme (NRP) 73', 'Sustainable Economy. List of accepted projects (LINK)
New paper in the Journal of Risk Research

A new paper was published: Meraner, M. and Finger, R. Risk perceptions, preferences and management strategies: Evidence from a case study using German livestock farmers
Blog contribution on agricultural risk management

A new blog contribution (in German) from Manuela Meraner and Robert Finger on determinants on farmers' risk management decisions