New Paper in Data in Brief

A new paper was published: Meraner, M.; Finger, R.(2017). Data on German farmers risk preference, risk perception and risk management strategies 15: 102-105
New paper in Ecological Economics

A new paper was published: Böcker, T.; Britz, W.; Finger, R. (2018) Modelling the effects of a glyphosate ban on weed management in silage maize production. Ecological Economics 145: 182-193
New paper in the Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research

A new paper was published: Zouaghi, F.; Sanchez-Garcia, M.; Hirsch, S. What drives firm profitability? A multilevel approach to the Spanish agri-food sector.
New paper in The Manchester School

A new paper was published: Gschwandtner, A.; Hirsch, S. What Drives Firm Profitability? A Comparison of the US and EU Food Processing Industry.
Stefan Hirsch Associate Editor of JADEE

Stefan Hirsch was newly appointed Associate Editor of the Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies (JADEE). The journal focuses on issues relevant to agriculture and food value chain in emerging economies in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe.
Best paper award at GEWISOLA Congress

The AECP group received the best paper award at the 57th GEWISOLA Conference (German Society of Economic and Social Sciences in Agriculture) for the paper Böcker, T.; Britz, W; Finger, R. Modelling the effects of glyphosate ban on weed management in maize production.
New paper in Land Use Policy

A new paper was published: Muller, A.; Ferré, M.; Engel, S.; Gattinger, A.; Holzkämper, A.; Huber, R.; Müller, M.; Six, J. Can soil-less crop production be a sustainable option for soil conservation and future agriculture?
InnoFarm Project now online

Reconciling innovative farming practices and networks to enable sustainable development of smart Swiss farming systems (InnoFarm)
Programm Agroeconet online

Das Programm der Seminarreihe Agroeconet Netzwerk "Agrarökonomische Forschung Schweiz" 2017 mit AECP Beteiligung ist online.
Congratulations to Manuela Meraner

Congratulations to Manuela Meraner who successfully defended her doctoral thesis on "Decision making under risk in agriculture - An experimental and survey based Analysis" (08 September 2017)