New Paper in Food Quality and Preference

A new paper was published: Yeh, C.H., Hartmann, M. and Hirsch, S. (2018). Does information on equivalence of standards direct choice? Evidence for organic labels from different countries-of-origin.
AECP Publications in 2017

A summary of the AECP Group publications in 2017 can be found here
ETH Medal for Willemijn Vroege

Congratulations to Willemijn Vroege who was awarded the ETH Medal for her outstanding master thesis ‘Neighbourhood Effects in Farm Diversification – A Dutch Case Study’
New Paper in Ecology and Society

A new paper was published: Xiong, H., J. D. A. Millington, and W. Xu (2018). Trade in the telecoupling framework: evidence from the metals industry. Ecology and Society
Article on SAGE Research Methods Cases

An article was published: Xiong, Hang (2018). A Mixed-Methods Study With Network Data and Adoption Data: Effects of Social Networks on the Diffusion of Innovations. SAGE Research Methods Cases
Blog contribution on the the value of phenology observations for agricultural insurances

A new blog contribution (in German) from Tobias Dalhaus and Robert Finger on the value of phenology observations for agricultural insurances
Open Position for a PhD Student

We are looking for a new PhD student
New Paper in Scientific Reports

A new paper was published: Dalhaus, T.,; Musshoff, O.; Finger, R.; (2018). Phenology Information Contributes to Reduce Temporal Basis Risk in Agricultural Weather Index Insurance. Scientific Reports
Thomas Boecker joins the AECP group

We welcome Thomas Böcker as research assistant in the AECP group
David Wüpper joins the AECP group

We welcome David Wüpper as PostDoc at the AECP group!