Blog contribution on risk management
A new blog contribution (In German) by Manuela Meraner presents insights in risk preference elicitation and determinants of farmers risk management and diversification decisions.
Blog contribution on ecosystem implementation in the Amazon
A new blog contribution (in French) by Solen Le Clec'h discusses the role of Agriculture within the implementation of ecosystem service in the Amazon region
New paper in Data in Brief

A new paper was published: Yeh, Ching-Hua; Hartmann, Monika; Hirsch, Stefan (2018). Taiwanese consumer survey data for investigating the role of information on equivalence of organic standards in directing food choice.
Price ceremony for ETH Medal for Willemijn Vroege

Willemijn Vroege was awarded the ETH medal for her outstanding master thesis on ‘Neighbourhood Effects in Farm Diversification – A Dutch Case Study’ on March 16.
New paper in International Journal of Geographical Information Science

A new paper was published: Le Clec'h, Solen; Sloan, Sean; Gond, Valéry et al. (2018). Mapping ecosystem services at the regional scale: the validity of an upscaling approach
New paper in Data in Brief

A new paper was published: Meraner, M., Pölling, B., Finger, R. (2018). Data on farm diversification decisions and farmers’ risk preferences in the Ruhr Metropolitan region (Germany)
Blog contribution on pesticide taxation

A new blog contribution (in German) discusses the role of a pesticide taxation for Swiss agriculture
New paper in Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

A new paper was published: Xiong, Hang; Puqing, Wang; Bobashev, Georgiy (2018). Multiple peer effects in the diffusion of innovations on social networks: a simulation study.
New paper in Environmental Management

A new paper was published: Le Clec'h, Solen; Jégou, Nicolas; Arnauld de Sartre, Xavier et al. (2018) Impacts of Agricultural Practices and Individual Life Characteristics on Ecosystem Services: A Case Study on Family Farmers in the Context of an Amazonian Pioneer Front.
New paper in One Ecosystem

A new paper was published: Palomo, Ignacio et al. (one of the AECP co-authors Le Clec'h, Solen) (2018) Practical solutions for bottlenecks in ecosystem services mapping.