New paper in the Journal of Policy Modeling

A new paper was published: Severini, S., Biagini, L., Finger, R. Modeling Agricultural Risk Management Policies - The Implementation of the Income Stabilization Tool in Italy. Journal of Policy Modeling
AECP in the media

Presentation of our InnoFarm project in “Echo der Zeit” (in German): How does farming become smart?
New paper in Data in Brief

A new paper was published: Meraner, Manuela; Musshoff, Oliver; Finger, Robert (2018). Data on risk preferences and risk literacy for a sample of German agricultural sciences students.
Best theses awards to three AECP Master students

Three Master Students of the AECP Group (Willemijn Vroege, David Lanter, Sandro Michael) received the best theses award of the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics
New contribution in Nature

A comment by Robert Finger “Take a holistic view when making pesticide policies stricter” was published in Nature
New Blog post on resilience in agriculture and the SURE-farm project

A new blog contribution (In German) by presents insights in the resilience of agricultural systems and the SURE-farm project
Blog contribution on agricultural policy development
A new blog contribution (in German) by Robert Huber scrutinizes the political attempt to disentangle agricultural policy developments and free trade discussions in Switzerland.