Presentation by Terence J. Centner (University of Georgia) on October 12

Terence J. Centner will have a presentation on "Balancing Costs and Damages of Pesticide Usage: Dicamba, Glyphosate, Sulfoxaflor, and Chlorpyrifos"
New paper in Conservation Biology

Decaëns, T. et al. co-author LeClec'h, S. (2018). Biodiversity loss along a gradient of deforestation in Amazonian agricultural landscapes.
New paper in Agrarforschung Schweiz

A new paper by Thomas Böcker and Robert Finger on implications of herbicide free wheat production in Switzerland was published din the Agrarforschung Schweiz (in German and French)
Portrait of Robert Finger in the Tagesanzeiger

A portrait of Robert Finger was pusblished in the Tagesanzeiger (in German)
New blog post on the effect of information on German consumers’ attitude towards GMOs
David Wuepper discusses a new study investigating whether informing consumers about GMOs changes their minds (in German).
Janic Bucheli joins the AECP group

We welcome Janic Bucheli as PhD student at the AECP group!
Blog Post by Robert Finger and Niklas Möhring at ETH Zukunftsblog
A new AECP Blog Post at ETH Zukunftsblog. Measuring quantity alone does not determine the risk (in English and German)
Programm Agroeconet online
Das Programm der Seminarreihe Agroeconet Netzwerk "Agrarökonomische Forschung Schweiz" 2018 mit AECP Beteiligung ist online