New Blog Post on agricultural risk management
New Blog Post on agricultural risk management and the need for public intervention by Robert Finger in the Agrarpolitik Blog (in German)
Call for papers to 171st EAAE Seminar

Call for papers for 171st EAAE Seminar 'Measuring and evaluating farm income and well-being of farm families in Europe' co-organized by AECP is now online.
Best Poster Award for Cordelia Kreft

Our AECP PhD student Cordelia Kreft received the Best Poster Award at the WFSC Research Symposium. She presented 'Collective Action - A Pathway for Effective Climate Change Mitigation in Agriculture? '
New paper in Agricultural Systems

New paper by Willemijn Vroege, Tobias Dalhaus and Robert Finger on ‘Index insurances for grasslands – A review for Europe and North-America’
Presentation by Matthieu Stigler - UC Davis, Agricultural and Resource Economics, on 14 December

Matthieu Stigler will have a presentation on "Supply response as seen from the sky: disentangling intensification from extensification in the US Corn Belt"
New Blog Post by Sergei Schaub
New Blog Post by Sergei Schaub on his experience at the International Conference of Agricultural Economists in Vancouver, Canada.