New video about the AECP group
Please find a short video portrait about the AECP group under the following link
Interview with Robert Finger on the digitalization of agriculture in Die Volkswirtschaft

An interview with Robert Finger on the digitalization of agriculture appeared in Die Volkswirtschaft (in German and French)
Robert Finger keynote speaker at the Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society

Robert Finger is invited as keynote speaker at the Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society, April 15-17, Warwick, U
New Blog Article on the adaptation to climate change in agriculture
A new Blog Article on the adaptation to climate change in agriculture by Robert Finger is available in the Agrarpolitik Blog (in German)
Best Presentation Award to Robert Huber

Our Senior researcher Robert Huber got the Best Presentation Award at the EAAE Seminar 168 in Uppsala: 'A generic agent-based modelling approach to inject diverse strategic behaviour in modelling farmers decision making.' Paper in collaboration with Hang Xiong, Kevin Keller, Robert Finger
New publication in One Ecosystem

LeClec'h, Solen et al. (2019). Uncertainty in ecosystem services maps: the case of carbon stocks in the Brazilian Amazon forest using regression analysis.
New publication in EspacesTemps.net

LeClec'h, Solen; Ozswald, Johan; Dufour, Simon; Grimaldi, Michel; Jégou, Nicolas; Noucher, Matthieu (2019). Déconstruire la spatialisation de services écosystémiques par la modélisation critique.