New paper in the Journal of Agricultural Economics

A new paper on farmer risk preferences in Europe was published: Iyer, P., Bozzola, M., Hirsch, S., Meraner, M., Finger, R. Measuring Farmer Risk Preferences in Europe: A Systematic Review. Journal of Agricultural Economics.
New paper in the European Review of Agricultural Economics

A new paper on effects of a glyphosate ban was published: Böcker, T., Britz, W., Möhring, N., Finger, R. (2019). An economic and environmental assessment of a glyphosate ban for the example of maize production. European Review of Agricultural Economics
World Food System Event on Pesticides with Robert Finger and Niklas Möhring

A World Food System Event on ‘Public Event: Pesticides - What Does Science Say?’ takes place on April 03 with the AECP members Robert Finger and Niklas Möhring
Press coverage of Robert Finger in the 'Schweizer Bauer'

A report on a panel discussion on the drinking water initiative with Robert Finger appeared in the 'Schweizer Bauer'
New paper in the European Review of Agricultural Economics

Hirsch, S., Mishra, A., Möhring, N., Finger, R. (2019). Revisiting Firm Flexibility and Efficiency: Evidence from the EU Dairy Processing Industry. European Review of Agricultural Economics
New Blog Post

New contribution by Robert Huber on how farmers’ diversity increases the resilience of mountain agricultural systems to global change.
New paper in Nature Sustainability

Grêt-Regamey, A., Huber, S.H., Huber, R., 2019. Actors’ diversity and the resilience of social-ecological systems to global change.
Press Coverage in Tagesanzeiger

Robert Finger was interviewed by the Tagesanzeiger on pesticide use Indicators (in German)
Presentation by Alain Carpentier - INRA, Rennes - on April 01
Alain Carpentier will have a presentation on “Why farmers consider pesticides the ultimate in crop protection: economic and behavioral insights” (with X. Reboud)