Two new blog posts on grassland ecosystem services from our ValueGrass project

Solen Le Clec’h reports on our findings about ecosystem services in grasslands of different intensities (in French) and Robert Huber summarizes a new study on the value of cultural ecosystem services from grassland (in German).
New publication in the Journal of Environmental Management

We quantify ecosystem services in grassland of different intensities in the Canton of Solothurn: Le Clec'h S., Finger R., Buchmann N., Gosal A.S., Hörtnagl L., Huguenin O., Jeanneret P., Lüscher A., Schneider M.K., Huber R. 2019. Assessment of spatial variability of multiple ecosystem services in grasslands of different intensities. Journal of Environmental Management. Volume 251
Solen LeClec'h appointed as Assistant Professor at Wageningen University and Research

We congratulate Solen LeClec'h to her appointment as Assistant Professor in the Environmental Systems Analysis Group at Wageningen University and Research! Solen has started her new position in September 2019.
New publication in the Journal of Agricultural Economics

We analyzed the willingness to pay for cultural ecosystem services from grasslands in a meta-study: Huber R. & Finger R. Journal of Agricultural Economics: doi
Best Presentation Award for Willemijn Vroege

Best Presentation Award at 171st EAAE Seminar for Willemijn Vroege
AECP Talks at Agroeconet Colloqium
The Agroeconet Colloqium takes place on October 29, 2019, with talsk by Tobias Dalhaus and Niklas Möhring
Interview with Robert Finger in the NZZ

An interview with Robert Finger on subsidies on agricultural insurances appeared in the NZZ
Article at SRF with Interview with Robert Finger

An interview with Robert Finger on pesticide measurement and pesticide taxes was published in an article at SRF
Interview with Robert Finger at SRF

Robert Finger was interviewed on pesticide policies at SRF (ECO)
PestiFreeWheat, new project starting from August

In this project we will investigate determinants and barriers for farmers’ adoption of pesticide free wheat production in Switzerland.