New blog on how droughts affect feed prices

A new blog post on the drought effect on feed prices (in German) by Sergei Schaub and Robert Finger is online
First Swiss Agricultural Economics PhD Seminar

The first Swiss Agricultural Economics PhD Seminar (ETH zurich, Agrocope, FIBL, University of Geneva) took place on January 24 2020 in Frick.
ETH Medal for Tobias Dalhaus

We congratulate Tobias Dalhaus, who was awarded the ETH Medal for his outstanding dissertation: our present Postdoctoral researcher 'Agricultural Weather Insurance: Basis Risk Reduction, Behavioral Insurance and Uncovering Quality Risk', defended in 2018
Presentation by Francisco A. Mendoza Tijerino - University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart - on 05 February
Francisco A. Mendoza Tijerino will have a presentation on 'Climate change and structural change: the relevance for machinery use and acquisition in Germany' Research agenda and perspectives. On Wednesday, 05 February, from 12:00 am to 01:00 pm at IFW C42
New blog on the economic value of species diversity in intensive grasslands

A new Blog on the economic value of species diversity in intensive grasslands (in German) was posted by Sergei Schaub, Nina Buchmann, Andreas Lüscher & Robert Finger.
Willemijn Vroege at 2020 Global Young Scientists Summit

Willemijn Vroege was selected to represent ETH Zurich at the 2020 Global Young Scientists Summit. Congratulations!
Article on Smart Farming in the ‘Beobachter’

An article on Smart Farming and an interview with Robert Finger on the InnoFarm Project of the AECP Group appeared in the ‘Beobachter’
New publication in Environmental Research Letters

We analyzed the effect of droughts on different feed prices in Germany. Schaub, S. and Finger, R. 2020. Drought effects on hay and feed grain prices.
ETH Zukunftsblog was voted best "Science blog of the year 2019"
ETH Zukunftsblog with AECP contributions by Robert Finger and Niklas Möhring was voted best "Science blog of the year 2019"
Article on diversification of peri-urban farms

An article on diversification of peri-urban farms co-authored by Robert Finger was published in the B&B Agrar (in German)