New article in Agricultural Economics

Are pesticides risk decreasing? It depends on the pesticide indicator used! More risk averse farmers use lower quantities of herbicides, but products with a higher overall toxicity. Möhring, N., Bozzola, M., Hirsch, S. and Finger, R. (2020). Are pesticides risk decreasing? The relevance of pesticide indicator choice in empirical analysis. Agricultural Economics.
Article on podium discussion on drinking water initiative

An article on a podium discussion with Robert Finger on the drinking water initiative was published in the ‘Bauernzeitung’ (in German)
Interview with Robert Finger in the NZZ

An interview with Robert Finger on pesticide policies appeared in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung (in German)
New publication in Nature Communications

In our paper, we analyzed the plant diversity effects on yield & revenues in semi-natural grasslands. Schaub, S., Finger, R., Leiber, F., Probst, S., Kreuzer, M., Weigelt, A., Buchmann, N. & Scherer-Lorenzen, M. (2020). Plant diversity effects on forage quality, yield and revenues of semi-natural grasslands. Nature Communications
New report on risk management and pest control in Swiss fruit production

New report on risk management and pest control in Swiss fruit production was published a final report of the Drosophrisk project by Ladina Knapp and Robert Finger (in German, open access)
Hervé Dakpo joins the AECP group

We welcome Hervé Dakpo as Postdoctoral Researcher at the AECP group!
Article on Global Erosion in Geographical Magazine

Article with interview on «Wuepper, Borrelli, Finger (2020). Countries and the Global Rate of Soil Erosion» in the February issue of «Geographical Magazine»