Open Position for a Doctoral Student
We are looking for a new PhD student
Best thesis awards from SSA-SGA to AECP-Master students
The first, second and third price of this year's Best Thesis Award from the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology (SSA-SGA) were won by AECP Master students. First price: Dennis Engist for his thesis “European Union Membership and Agricultural Land Use Intensity”. The second and third price went to Mélissa Uldry and Marc Chautems. Congratulations!
Dennis Engist joins the AECP group

We welcome Dennis Engist as scientific assistant at the AECP group!
New paper published in Scientific Reports

A new paper on the economic assessment of weather extremes on apple quality written by Tobias Dalhaus, Robert Finger and co-authors appeared in Scientific Reports
Radio Interview Robert Finger

Radio Interview Robert Finger at SRF on development of organic agriculture (in German)
Interview with David Wuepper at Deutschlandfunk

Recently an interview with David Wuepper about the effect of countries on the global rate of soil erosion was published at Deutschlandfunk. See written version and podcast (in German).
Tobias Dalhaus becomes Assistant Professor at Wageningen University

Tobias Dalhaus left our group and started on May 01 2020 as Assistant Professor at Wageningen University. Congratulations!
New paper on behavioral weather insurance

A new paper was published in PlosOne: Dalhaus T, Barnett BJ, Finger R. Behavioral weather insurance: Applying cumulative prospect theory to agricultural insurance design under narrow framing.