Robert Finger is associated editor at Q-Open

The European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) has initiated a new, open access, journal Q-Open with Oxford University Press. Robert Finger serves as associate editor
Robert Finger is keynote speaker in the 3rd INFER Symposium on AgriTechEconomics for Sustainable Futures

Robert Finger is invited as keynote speaker to the 3rd Symposium of the International Network for Economic Research on AgriTechEconomics for Sustainable Futures, September 21-22 (online)
First EAAE Webinar with AECP contributions on ‚Dealing with Extreme Weather in Agriculture‘

The first European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) Webinar, takes place on 15 July, on ‚Dealing with Extreme Weather in Agriculture‘ with AECP contributions
Newspaper article on the economic value of species diversity

An article by the BauernZeitung covered our publication (Schaub et al 2020, Ecological Economics) in which we analyzed the value plant species diversity in intensively managed grasslands (in German).
Newspaper Article on Timing of pesticides

An article on the recent paper of the AECP group (Möhring et al., 2020) on timing of pesticide use decisions was published in “AgriHebdo”.
Congratulations to Sergei Schaub

We congratulate Sergei Schaub, who successfully defended his doctoral thesis on ‘Economic Perspective on Grasslands, Biodiversity and Weather Extremes'