New paper published in Agricultural Systems

A new paper on the relation of crop insurance and pesticide use in French and Swiss agriculture was published in Agricultural Systems: Möhring, N., Dalhaus, T., Enjolras, G., & Finger, R. (2020). Crop insurance and pesticide use in European agriculture. Agricultural Systems, 184, 102902.
Call for Abstracts for the conference of the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology

The Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology invites submission for its 2021 conference on "Agriculture in the context of climate change". Robert Finger acts as co-organizer. Deadline for submissions is 30. September
Podcast on Pesticide Free Production with Robert Finger

The new Podcast ‘Chrut und Rüebli’ by Migros addresses Pesticide Free Production and includes AECP research with Robert Finger (in German)
A new paper was published in the Journal of Economic Inequality

Wuepper, D., Lang, H. & Benjamin, E. Ancestral Ways of Life and Human Capital Formation in Kenya. Journal of Economic Inequality (2020).
Congratulations to Ladina Knapp

We congratulate Ladina Knapp, who successfully defended her doctoral thesis on "Risk management and pest management decisions of Swiss fruit growers: behavioral and economic drivers".
AECP Group contributed to an Online Workshop Session: Digital innovation for sustainable agriculture

AECP Group contributed to an Online Workshop Session: Digital innovation for sustainable agriculture organized by SDSN Switzerland and NRP 73 ‘Sustainable economy'. Details & Results can be found