Niklas Möhring receives 'SIAF Award'

Congratulations! Niklas Möhring received the 'SIAF Award' of the Swiss Institute for International Research for his outstanding doctoral thesis “Reducing Pesticide Use Risks: An Economic Analysis“
New paper in the European Review of Agricultural Economics

A new paper entitled ‘Stability of risk attitude, agricultural policies and production shocks: evidence from Italy’ written by Martina Bozzola and Robert Finger appeared in the European Review of Agricultural Economics
Interview with Robert Finger in Blick

An interview with Robert Finger on pesticide policies was published in Blick (in German)
New R-package to download

A new R Package RCGLS to download and open satellite-retrieved data from the Copernicus Global Land Service (https://land.copernicus.eu/global/) was released on CRAN. Willemijn Vroege, Tim Jacobs, Xavier Rottlan Puig, Uwe Schmitt.
New paper in Land Use Policy

A new paper on spatial spill-overs in farm diversification was published in Land Use Policy. Willemijn Vroege, Manuela Meraner, Nico Polman, Hugo Storm, Wim Heijman, Robert Finger, Beyond the single farm - A spatial econometric analysis of spill-overs in farm diversification in the Netherlands, Land Use Policy.
New paper in ERAE

A new paper on the optimal drought index in weather index insurance was published in the European Review of Agricultural Economics. Janic Bucheli, Tobias Dalhaus, Robert Finger, The optimal drought index for designing weather index insurance, European Review of Agricultural Economics.
Best thesis awards from SSA-SGA to AECP-Master students
We congratulate our AECP Master students! The first, second and third price of this year's Best Thesis Award from the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology (SSA-SGA) went to Dennis Engist, first price and to Mélissa Uldry and Marc Chautems, second and third price.
Stéphanie Vuille joins the AECP group

We welcome Stéphanie Vuille as scientific assistant at the AECP group!
New paper in AJAE

A new paper on the relation between ethanol expansion and land allocation from the point of view of market structure was published: Wang, Y; Delgado, M. S.; Sesmero, J., and Gramig, B. M. (2020). Market Structure and the Local Effects of Ethanol Expansion on Land Allocation: A Spatially Explicit Analysis. American Journal of Agricultural Economics
New Blog Post on Google Trends in Agricultural Politics

A new blog post on Google trends in agricultural politics was published by Sergei Schaub, Robert Huber and Robert Finger (in German)