Guest contribution on Pesticide Use in Bauernzeitung

A guest contribution on pesticide use policy by Robert Finger and Niklas Möhring was published in Bauernzeitung (in German).
New R-package on CRAN

A new R Package (‘robomit’) to evaluate the robustness of estimated coefficients to omitted variables was released on CRAN. Sergei Schaub
New blog post on economic impacts of Drosophila suzukii

New blog post on economic impacts of Drosophila suzukii in Switzerland published in the Agrarpolitik Blog (in French)
New paper on the economic impacts of Drosophila suzukii in Switzerland

New paper on the economic impacts of Drosophila suzukii in Switzerland published by Ladina Knapp, Dominique Mazzi and Robert Finger in Pest Management Science
Robert Finger presents at the ISTP colloquium

Robert Finger present joint work with Niklas Möhring on pesticide policy at the ISTP colloquium at ETH Zurich on October 27 (via zoom)
Contribution at ETH Zukunfstblog

Robert Finger and Niklas Möhring have written a blog post ‘The quest for a holistic pesticide policy’ for the ETH Zukunftsblog (available in English and German)
Farewell Willemijn Vroege

We say farewell to Willemijn Vroege who, after finalizing her doctorate in the AECP Group, will start a new position at Axa XL, working in the field of agricultural (re)insurance. All the best for the new start!
Robert Finger is presenting at a Webinar on ‘Replications in Agricultural Economics’. Oct 19., 10.30-12.30 CET. Registration required

Robert Finger is co-guest-editing a Special Issue on ‘Replications in Agricultural Economics’ in the journal Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy
Call for Papers for a Special Issue on ‘Replications in Agricultural Economics’

Robert Finger is co-guest-editing a Special Issue on ‘Replications in Agricultural Economics’ in the journal Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy
Agroeconet Colloqium takes place Nov. 03

The Agroeconet Colloqium takes place as a Webinar on Nov. 03, 14.00-17.00. Among others, with presentations by David Wüpper and Yanbing Wang. Registration required