Podcast on Agricultural Policy with Robert Finger

Robert Finger was first guest in ‘Agrarpolitik – der Podcast’ a new Podcast on Agricultural Policy in Switzerland (in German)
New contribution in the Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau

A new practitioner paper on the impact of frost damages on Swiss apple production based on Dalhaus et al. 2020, Scientific Reports, appaered in the Schweizer Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau (in German)
New Blog Posts on risk and pest management strategies of Swiss fruit growers

New Blog Posts in the Agrarpolitik Blog on ‘Risk and pest management strategies of Swiss fruit growers: behavioral and economic drivers’ by Ladina Knapp. The blog post is available in French and Rumantsch
Chloé McCallum joins the AECP group

We welcome Chloé McCallum as a Postdoctoral researcher at the AECP group!
Lucca Zachmann joins the AECP group in 2021
We welcome Lucca Zachmann as a Doctoral student at the AECP group!
Viviana Garcia joins the AECP group in 2021

We welcome Viviana Garcia as a Doctoral student at the AECP group!
Stefan Wimmer joins the AECP group in 2021

We welcome Stefan Wimmer as a Postdoctoral researcher at the AECP group!
Farewell Niklas Möhring

End of December 2020 we will say farewell to Dr. Niklas Möhring, who will start a new position at CEBC-CNRS, Chizé, France.