New paper in the European Review of Agricultural Economics on farm income in European agriculture

New paper in the European Review of Agricultural Economics by Robert Finger and Nadja El Benni on a special issue on farm income in European agriculture
Article in Bauernzeitung covering AECP paper on extension and pest management

New article in Bauernzeitung covers AECP paper on the role of private and public extension for farmers’ pest management choices (in German)
New paper in the European Review of Agricultural Economics on crop insurance

New paper in the European Review of Agricultural Economics lead by Willemijn Vroege investigates the potential of satellite-retrieved soil moisture for crop insurance
2nd Swiss PhD Seminar in Agricultural Economics

The 2nd Swiss PhD Seminar in Agricultural Economics took place online with contributions by FiBL, Agroscope, University of Geneva and ETH Zürich
New project TRAPEGO started

The AECP Group started working in the project Evidence-based Transformation in Pesticide Governance (TRAPEGO) financed by the SNF (Sinergia) together with Uni Bern, EAWAG, Swiss TPH and FiBL