Best presentation and best poster awards at the annual conference of the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology

Best presentation and best poster awards at the annual conference of the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology went to AECP contributions. Congratulations to Karin Späti et al. for the awarded poster presentation on ‘Adoption of variable rate technologies: A choice experiment in Switzerland’ and Möhring et al. for the awarded paper presentation on ‘Climate Change and Pesticide Use - Extreme heat effects on insecticide use in potatoes’
Interview with Robert Finger at Schweizer Bauer

An Interview with Robert Finger on agricultural policy appeared at Schweizer Bauer (in German)
R package by Hervé Dakpo

Hervé Dakpo published a new R package sfaR: Stochastic Frontier Analysis using R
New paper in Data in Brief

A new paper by Cordial Kreft et al. on social network data on Swiss farmers was published in Data in Brief
Radio Interview with Robert Finger

Robert Finger was interviewed for Echo der Zeit on agricultural policy (in German)
Article on DiversGrass in Die Grüne

The AECP Project DivserGrass was covered in ‘Die Grüne’ by Robert Finger and Nina Buchmann (In German)
Annual conference of the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology

The annual conference of the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology (SGA) takes place 18 and 19 March 2021, online, via Zoom. The topic is agriculture in the context of climate change. Registration required, no fees.
New Blog Post on crop insurance solutions based on satellite data

New Blog Post on crop insurance solutions based on satellite data by Willemijn Vroege et al (in German)
New Blog Post on Digital Agricultural Policy

New Blog Post on Digital Agricultural Policy by Melf-Hinrich Ehlers et al. (in German)
New Blog Post on Doctoral Thesis of Sergei Schaub

New Blog Post on Doctoral Thesis of Sergei Schaub on an economic analysis of grassland, biodiversity and weather extremes (in German)