FRIES Webinar by Helena Hansson on April 28
On April 28, 12.00-13.00, Prof. Helena Hansson presents a paper on ‘Measuring farm performance – some reflections on behavioural assumptions, use of data and sustainability’ in the FRIES Webinar. Register here
New blog post on the economics of precision farming

A new blog post by Karin Späti and co-authors describes the economic value of information for variable rate fertilization in precision farming (in German)
New comment published in Nature Communications

Sergei Schaub and co-authors published a commentary article in Nature Communications on the economic benefits of plant diversity in semi-natural grasslands
Series of Blog Posts to the Special Issue on incomes in European agriculture

A series of 7 Blog Posts in German or French covering articles published in the Special Issue on incomes in European agriculture in the European Review of Agricultural Economics are now
New paper in Nature Food on satellite use in agricultural insurance

A new paper by Willemijn Vroege and co-authors is published in Nature Food entitled Satellite support to insure farmers against extreme droughts
New Paper in Ecological Economics

A new Paper by Späti et al. on Benefits of Increasing Information Accuracy in Variable Rate Technologies was published in Ecological Economics.