Farewell Dennis Engist

In June 2021, the AECP Group farewelled our pre-doc Dennis Engist Dennis starts as PhD student at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver
New paper in Q Open on risk and technology adoption

A new paper on Risk, Risk Aversion, and Agricultural Technology Adoption by Alisa Spiegel, Wolfgang Britz and Robert Finger, appeared in Q Open (open access)
New paper in Agricultural Systems on resilience in European agriculture

New paper in Agricultural Systems on resilience capacities as perceived by European farmers in Agricultural Systems, co-authored by Robert Finger (open access)
New paper in the Journal of Agricultural Economics

A new paper on ‘Bridging behavioural factors and standard bio-economic modelling in an agent-based modelling framework’ co-authored by Robert Huber and Robert Finger was published in the Journal of Agricultural Economics (open access)
AECP group participates at XVI EAAE Virtual Congress 2021 in Prague

More than 20 contributions of the Agricultural Economics and Policy Group (AECP) at the XVI EAAE Virtual Congress 2021, Prague, July 20-23th July, 2021. See the entire list