Robert Finger appointed as Editor in the Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association

Robert Finger has been appointed as Area Editor in the Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
Robert Finger appointed as editor at the American Journal of Agricultural Economics

Robert Finger has been appointed as associate editor at the American Journal of Agricultural Economics for the period 2021-2023
New paper in the Journal of Agricultural Economics

Robert Finger co-authored a new paper in the Journal of Agricultural Economics entitled ‘A note on performance indicators for agricultural economic journals’
New Agricultural Policy Blog by Robert Finger

Robert Finger published a new Agricultural Policy Blog on diversity in agricultural systems (in German)
New paper in Agricultural Systems

A new paper led by Melf-Hinrich Ehlers and co-authored by Robert Huber, Robert Finger and others on ‘Scenarios for European agricultural policymaking in the era of digitalisation’ was published in Agricultural Systems
New paper in Science of the Total Environment

Robert Finger co-authored a paper on Extreme heat reduces insecticide use under real field conditions published in Science of the Total Environment
New paper in Food Policy

Niklas Möhring and Robert Finger published the paper ‘Pesticide-free but not organic: adoption of a large-scale wheat production standard in Switzerland’ in Food
Prof. Dr. Eva-Marie Meemken appointed as Assistant Professor of Food Systems Economics and Policy

Prof. Dr. Eva-Marie Meemken was appointed Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) of Food Systems Economics and Policy and will join ETH Zürich on 1 February 2022.
New Paper in Agricultural Economics

A new paper on the 'Modeling heterogeneous technologies in the presence of sample selection: The case of dairy farms and the adoption of agri-environmental schemes in France' authored by K Hervé Dakpo, Laure Latruffe, Yann Desjeux and Philippe Jeanneaux was published in Agricultural Economics.
Open positions for Student assistants
We are looking for new Student assistants