New professor Eva Meemken is looking for student assistants
The new Food Systems Economics and Policy group is looking for student assistants. See link to the job description
Robert Finger contributed to ‘10 Must-Knows aus der Biodiversitätsforschung 2022’

The Leibniz society published must knows on biodiversity research, with a small contribution by Robert Finger
Article on AECP research in newspaper Schaffhauser Nachrichten

Article on AECP research and a presentation by Robert Finger was published in newspaper Schaffhauser Nachrichten (in German)
AECP presents at AES 2022

The Agricultural Economics and Policy Group is looking forward contributing 9 papers at the Annual Conference of The Agricultural Economics Society
Robert Finger interviewed in Schaffhauer Fernsehen

Robert Finger was interviewed in the Schaffhauer Fernsehen ‘Hüt im Gschpröch’
AECP paper covered by Science for Environment Policy

Our article ‘The costs of diversity: higher prices for more diverse grassland seed mixtures’ was covered by Science for Environment Policy, a news service published by the European Commission's Environment Directorate-General.
Robert Finger speaks at Landwirtschaftlicher Klub

Robert Finger is invited to present AECP and World Food System Center research on sustainable food systems at Landwirtschaftlicher Klub (March 09, 2022)
Interview in Heidi News

Robert Finger was interviewed for an article in Heidi News on the implications of the farm to fork strategy and food system solutions (in French)
Article on AECP Research in Bauernzeitung

An article in the Bauernzeitung covered AECP work by Robert Finger on agricultural incomes (In German)
AECP Group and the World Food System Center provide support for researchers and students from Ukraine

The AECP Group and the World Food System Center aim to support students and researchers from the Ukraine to the best of our abilities. Please get in touch and find details in the list below