New Blog Post on the role of contractor for precision farming uptake

New Blog Post on the role of contractor for precision farming uptake led by Yanbing Wang (in German)
The World Food System Center celebrates 10th anniversary

The World Food System Center celebrates 10th anniversary. See the program for 2022 and read an interview with the WFSC Chair Robert Finger here
Robert Finger is keynote speaker at the conference 'Towards Pesticide Free Agriculture'

Robert Finger is keynote speaker at the conference 'Towards Pesticide Free Agriculture', organized by INRAE & Cultiver et Protéger Autrement, June 02/03 2022, Dijon, France
Prof. Dr. Vira Ohorodnyk joins AECP Group

We warmly welcome Prof. Dr. Vira Ohorodnyk, Kyiv National Economic University, as first Ukrainian guest professor in the AECP Group. Prof. Ohorodnyk will collaborate with us on the InsuranceGrass project financed by the SNF
AECP Research covered in 'Science for Environment Policy' News Alert of European Commission

The European Commission covered the AECP paper 'The costs of diversity: higher prices for more diverse grassland seed mixtures' in their recent 'Science for Environment Policy' News Alert.
Interview with Robert Finger in France24

Robert Finger was interviewed for an article ‘The scientists helping farmers kick the chemical habit’ in France 24 (in English)
The AECP Group has 13 presentations at SGA Conference 2022
13 papers of the Agricultural Economics and Policy Group will be presented at the 2022 Annual conference of the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Sociology SGA 28 - 29 April 2022, Frick
The AECP Group Welcomes Marta Tarruella

The AECP Group Welcomes Marta Tarruella, who will work as pre-doc and later as doctoral student on questions of climate change mitigation in Swiss agriculture