Farewell Sergei Schaub

Sergei Schaub left the AECP Group end of May 2022, and now starts a permanent position at Agroscope. All the best!
Robert Finger covered in the Bauernzeitung

A panel discussion with Robert Finger was covered in the Bauernzeitung (in German)
ETH Podcast with Robert Finger

Robert Finger and Kenza Benabderrazik spoke about food systems and the world food system center at the ETH Podcast (in English)
New paper in the Journal of Agricultural Economics

New paper in the Journal of Agricultural Economics on The (in)stability of farmer risk preferences by Robert Finger, David Wüpper and Chloe McCallum was published
New blog post on farmer risk preferences

New blog post on the instability of farmer risk preferences (in German)
Interview with Robert Finger in Die Grüne

Robert Finger was interviewed by Die Grüne on risk management in agriuclture (in German)
Carte Blanche by Robert Finger on pesticide policies

New SCNAT Carte Blanche by Robert Finger on pesticide policies (in German and French)
Vacancy for a postdoctoral researcher
We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher. Deadline for applications: July 1.
Prof. Dr. Maryna Nehrey joins AECP Group

We warmly welcome Prof. Dr. Maryna Nehrey, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, as second Ukrainian guest professor in the AECP Group. Prof. Nehrey is supported via the Scholars at Risk programme by the SNSF.
New paper in Ecological Economics

New paper in Ecological Economics on the adoption of pesticide-free wheat production and farmers' perceptions of its environmental and health effects by Robert Finger and Niklas Möhring