Presentation on “Economics and Policy of Pesticide-free Agriculture” by Robert Finger online available

The video of the presentation “Economics and Policy of Pesticide-free Agriculture” by Robert Finger at the Conference 'Towards Pesticide Free Agriculture' 02 June 2022 in Dijon is online available
Robert Finger is keynote speaker at the Spirit of Bern

Robert Finger is keynote speaker at the Spirit of Bern, August 23, 2022, and talks about sustainability of agricultural and food systems
Janic Bucheli successfully defended doctoral thesis

On July 19, Janic Bucheli successfully defended doctoral thesis on ‘Managing weather risks in agriculture’
Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Sociology: digitized yearbooks

The yearbooks of the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Sociology, starting from 1973 are digitised and freely available online
SGA youth award for Eileen Ziehmann and Melanie Eggimann

Our master students Eileen Ziehmann and Melanie Eggimann received the SGA youth award for an outstanding master thesis
Robert Finger is keynote speaker at Brennpunkt Nahrung

Robert Finger is keynote speaker at Brennpunkt Nahrung and will talk about pathways to sustainable agricultural and food systems
Article by Robert Finger in the Tagesanzeiger

Robert Finger published an article on pesticide policies in the Tagesanzeiger (in German)
Event at ETH Zurich: Challenges for Sustainable Pest Management

On August 08, the AECP Group and the World Food System Center organize a public event on Challenges for Sustainable Pest Management. Registration required.