Article in Bauernzeitung

Article in Bauernzeitung covers Robert Fingers presentation at the Brennpunkt Nahrung 2022 (in German)
New Blog on evidence based pesticides policies

New Blog on evidence based pesticides policies (in German)
New Video on InnoFarm Project

New Video on the SNSF funded InnoFarm Project (in German)
New paper in AMBIO

New paper in AMBIO entitled Barriers to evidence use for sustainability: Insights from pesticide policy and practice co-authored by Chloe McCallum, Lucca Zachmann and Robert Finger
Best paper Award European Review of Agricultural Economics

The AECP paper ‘Insuring crops from space: the potential of satellite-retrieved soil moisture to reduce farmers’ drought risk exposure’ led by Willemijn Vroege won the Best paper Award European Review of Agricultural Economics