New paper in Ecological Economics

New paper on Agricultural systems and biodiversity: evidence from European borders and bird populations in Ecological Economics
New Blog Post on Bird Populations and Agricultural Policy in Switzerland

New Blog Post on Bird Populations and Agricultural Policy in Switzerland (in German)
New paper in Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy

New paper on Action- versus results-based policy designs for agricultural climate change mitigation in Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy led by Cordelia Kreft
Interview in NZZ am Sonntag

Robert Finger was interviewed in the NZZ am Sonntag (in German)
New paper in the Annual Review of Resource Economics

New paper on the Economics of Ecosystem Restoration in the Annual Review of Resource Economics led by David Wuepper
Blog Post on new Research Project

Blog Post on our new Research Project SUPPORT: Supporting UPtake Integrated Pest Management and lOw-Risk pesTicide Use
New paper in Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy

New paper on Replications in Agricultural Economics led by Robert Finger in Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy
New paper in Climate Risk Management

New paper by Janic Bucheli, Nina Conrad, Stefan Wimmer, Tobias Dalhaus and Robert Finger in Climate Risk Management: ‘Weather insurance in European crop and horticulture production’
New paper in Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy

A new paper ‘Components of agricultural productivity change: Replication of US evidence and extension to the EU’ by Stefan Wimmer and K Hervé Dakpo has been published in Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy.