Lucca Zachmann successfully defended doctoral thesis

On January 10, Lucca Zachmann successfully defended doctoral thesis on ‘Economics and Policy of Pesticide Reductions in Perennial Crops: The Role of Information within the Supply Chain’
New paper in Data in Brief

New paper in Data in Brief on Swiss citizens preferences and perceptions of agricultural policy with Robert Finger
Interview in the Republik

Robert Finger was interviewed in the Interview in the Republik on farmers protests (in German)
Radio Interview in Echo der Zeit

Robert Finger was interviewed in the SRF Radio program Echo der Zeit (in German)
New paper in Q Open

A new paper on the estimation and comparison of the performance of low-input and conventional wheat production systems in Switzerland with Robert Finger was published in Q Open
New paper in Agricultural Systems

New paper on the definition of pesticide-free crop production systems by Robert Finger was published in Agricultural Systems
New paper at JARE

New paper in JARE “Risk Perceptions, Preferences, and the Adoption Dynamics of Pesticide-Free Production” by Viviana Garcia, Yanbing Wang, Niklas Möhring and Robert Finger.
Farewell Stefan Wimmer

Stefan Wimmer left the AECP Group end of December 2023, and now starts a permanent position at the Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture. All the best!