New paper in the Journal of Rural Studies

New paper ‘Participation in individual and collective agri-environmental schemes: A synthesis using the Theory of Planned Behaviour' published in the Journal of Rural Studies, led by Adelaide Sander
New paper in Nature Food

New paper ‚Agri-environmental policies from 1960 to 2022‘ led by David Wuepper published in Nature Food
New paper in Q Open

New paper ‚Precipitation causes quality losses of large economic relevance in wheat production‘ led by Janic Bucheli published in in Q Open
New paper in Food Policy

New paper led by Robert Finger 'Europe needs better pesticide policies to reduce impacts on biodiversity' was published in Food Policy
AECP Research covered in Our World in Data

Several AECP papers were covered in an article in Our World in Data ‘How effective are policies in reducing the environmental impacts of agriculture?’
New paper in the Journal of Rural Studies

New paper ‚Envisioning the future of agri-tourism in Ukraine: from minor role to viable farm households and sustainable regional economies‘ by Vira Ohorodnyk and Robert Finger was published in the Journal of Rural Studies
Article in Die Grüne

Research led by Lucca Zachmann on fungus resistant grapevine varieties was covered in an article in Die Grüne (German)
New Paper in Nature Plants

New Paper ‘The emergence of pesticide-free crop production systems in Europe’ by Robert Finger and Niklas Möhring was published in Nature Plants