The AECP group welcomes Jonas Schmitt

The AECP Group welcomes Dr. Jonas Schmitt, who will work for us as a postdoctoral researcher.
Julie Derron wins silver medal at Olympics

Congratualtions! Our former (2023) master student Julie Derron won silver medal in triathlon at the Olympic Games in Paris
New paper in Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy

New paper in Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy on Product differentiation, quality, and milk price stability: The case of the Swiss cheese market, coauthored by Robert Finger
Blog post on digital innovations for monitoring sustainability in food systems

New blog post on digital innovations for monitoring sustainability in food systems (in German)
New paper in Nature Food

New paper on digital innovations for monitoring sustainability in food systems co-authored by Robert Finger in in Nature Food
New paper in Journal of Productivity Analysis

New paper in Journal of Productivity Analysis on “The contribution of innovation to farm level productivity”, led by Iordanis Parikoglou