Viviana Garcia successfully defended doctoral thesis

On November 5, Viviana Garcia successfully defended doctoral thesis on ‘Risks, Uncertainties and Farmers’ Preferences: The Transition to Sustainable Agriculture' Congratulations!
New paper in EuroChoices

New paper on European Farmer Protests led by Robert Finger in EuroChoices
New Blog Post on experiences with Swiss agricultural policy

New Blog Post (in German) on a paper analyzing the experiences with Swiss agricultural policy led by Robert Huber
Interview in Thema.Vorarlberg

Robert Finger was interviewed by Thema.Vorarlberg on the future of agriculture in alpine regions (in German)
Article in LID

The LID wrote an article on the thin line between markets and governmental regulations covering an interview with Robert Finger (in German)
Perspective article on Pesticide Policy

Robert Finger and Niklas Möhring published a perspective article on ‘Europe Needs an Ambitious Crop Protection Policy’ in die Welternährung (in German and English)
Interview in Nau.ch

Robert Finger was interviewed in Nau.ch on the implications of bans of pesticides
Interview in ORF

Robert Finger was interviewed by ORF on the digital future of agricultural production
Robert Finger keynote speaker at Engelberger Dialoge

Robert Finger was invited to talk on the future of sustainable food systems at the Engelberger Dialoge October 24&25, 2024.
New Blog Post on trade-offs between grassland plant biodiversity and yields

New Blog Post on trade-offs between grassland plant biodiversity and yields led by Dario Schulz (in German)