Most of our MSc-students (ca. 70 since 2017, as of August 2024) now work in the agri-food industry in Switzerland. This comprises the agricultural insurance and re-insurance industry, agricultural companies like fenaco and Syngenta, retailers (e.g. Migros, Aldi, Lidl) and various other companies serving farmers or the food chain. Several former master students work for cantonal authorities (e.g. agricultural schools, extension, administration) and federal offices (e.g. the Federal Office for Agriculture), extension services (e.g. Agridea) and the farmer associations, and some now run their own farm. About 1/5 of our MSc-students went into research, e.g. pursuing a doctorate, e.g. at ETH Zürich or abroad, and/or working at research institutes or applied science universities.
Most of our doctoral students (11 since 2017) stayed in research environments such universities and research institutes in Switzerland and abroad (e.g. Agroscope, FiBL). Others now work in federal administration, the re-insurance companies and agricultural extension. Our former postdocs are employed at universities and in permanent positions at research institutes worldwide. So far 8 persons left the Agricultural Economics and Policy group into professorships, at the leading universities in our field such as Wageningen (3), Bonn, TUM, Belfast and others.
Alumni who worked in our group as doctoral students or PostDocs (since 2016)
* denotes placement in a professorship position