Awards to AECP staff members and AECP Bachelor and Master students
SGA Young Researcher Award 2024 of the external page Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology goes to our two master students Viviane Fahrni & Julie Derron.
SVIAL Bachelor Award by the Agro Food Network external page SVIAL: Linda Graf «Die Laktationsdauer von Schweizer Milchkühen unter Einfluss der Direktzahlung für eine längere Nutzungsdauer»
Youth Awards of the the external page Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, the award went to Viviane Fahrni and Julie Derron (price 2 and 3) for their outstanding master theses.
2023 GEWISOLA Preis external page >> (Young scientist award of the German Society of Economic and Social Sciences in Agriculture): Christian Stetter
Youth Awards of the the external page Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, the award went to Charles Rees, Marta Tarruella and Simon Hug for their outstanding master theses.
Societal Impact Award in honour of Giovanni Anania of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (external page EAAE) for the Publication: Bucheli, J., Dalhaus, T., and Finger, R., The optimal drought index for designing weather index insurance, European Review of Agricultural Economics, 48(3) (2021), 573-597.
ERC Starting Grant awarded to David Wüpper by the external page European Research Council.
Award for science-society communication in agricultural economics awarded by GEWiSOLA for the external page Agrarpolitik Blog represented by Robert Huber and Robert Finger.
Outstanding Journal Article Award at the external page European Review of Agricultural Economics for the paper 'Insuring crops from space the potential of satellite-retrieved soil moisture to reduce farmers’ drought risk exposure, led by Willemijn Vroege.
Youth Awards of the the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, external page SSA-SGA: the award went to Eileen Ziehmann and Melanie Eggimann for their outstanding master theses.
Best Paper Award to our external PhD Jonas Schmitt at the 2022 EAAE PhD workshop of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, for our paper on ‚Compound default risk of cash crops due to drought in Germany‘, external page EAAE-WS
Hans Vontobel Award to Dr. Sergei Schaub for an excellent doctoral thesis that has produced outstanding findings in the field of agricultural sciences at ETH Zurich, external page Hans Vontobel Award
Best Presentation Award to Lucca Zachmann of the the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, external page SSA-SGA: on 'Adoption of fungi-resistant grapevine varieties and marketing channels in Switzerland'.
Hans Vontobel Award to Dr. Niklas Möhring for an excellent doctoral thesis that has produced outstanding findings in the field of agricultural sciences at ETH Zurich, Hans Vontobel Award
Youth Awards of the the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, external page SSA-SGA: 2nd and 3rd place for Stéphanie Vuille and Daniel Duarte for their outstanding Master theses.
Best Presentation Award of the the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, external page SSA-SGA: for the paper presentation of Niklas Möhring et al. ‘Climate Change and Pesticide Use - Extreme heat effects on insecticide use in potatoes’
Best Poster Award of the the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, external page SSA-SGA: for the poster presentation of Karin Späti et al. on ‘Adoption of variable rate technologies: A choice experiment in Switzerland’
SIAF Award: Dr. Niklas Möhring received the twelfth external page SIAF Award of the Swiss Institute of International Studies for his dissertation “Reducing Pesticide Use Risks: An Economic Analysis.“
Best Thesis Awards of the the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, external page SSA-SGA: the first, second and third price awarded to AECP Master students. 1st Dennis Engist with his thesis “European Union Membership and Agricultural Land Use Intensity”; 2nd: Mélissa Uldry; 3rd: Marc Chautems.
Outstanding Reviewer Award: Our Postdoctoral researcher Tobias Dalhaus has been awarded the 2019 external page Outstanding Reviewer Award of Environmental Research Letters
ETH-medal for outstanding dissertation: our present Postdoctoral researcher Tobias Dalhaus has been awarded the ETH-medal for his dissertation defended in 2018 'Agricultural Weather Insurance: Basis Risk Reduction, Behavioral Insurance and Uncovering Quality Risk'
Best Poster Award at the WFSC Research Symposium 2019: our former Master student Marc Chautems 'Regional differences in the adoption of organic farming'
Best Referee Award ERAE: Robert Finger received the Best Referee Award of the European Review of Agricultural Economics external page ERAE in 2018
Best Presentation Award at 171st EAAE Seminar: Willemijn Vroege received the best presentation award for her presentation on "Insuring crops from space – a soil moisture approach" at the 171th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists in Tänikon, Switzerland external page EAAE
Best Presentation Award of the SSA (SGA): Cordelia Kreft received the best presentation award for her presentation on 'Collective climate change mitigation- a pathway for Swiss farms?' at the annual meeting of the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology external page SGA
Best Thesis Award of the SSA (SGA): Janic Bucheli and Reto Sager have been awarded the first and second price of the best thesis award of the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology external page SGA
Best Presentation Award at EAAE Seminar 168 in Uppsala: Robert Huber: 'A generic agent-based modelling approach to inject diverse strategic behaviour in modelling farmers decision making'. Paper in collaboration with Hang Xiong, Kevin Keller, Robert Finger.
International Geneva Award by external page SNIS Swiss Network for International Studies: Solen LeClec'h and co-authors: 'Impacts of Agricultural Practices and Individual Life Characteristics on Ecosystems Services: A Case Study on Family Farmers in the Context of an Amazonian Pioneer Front'.
Best Poster Award at the WFSC Research Symposium 2018: Cordelia Kreft 'Collective Action - A Pathway for Effective Climate Change Mitigation in Agriculture?'
SVIAL Bachelor Award by the external page SVIAL Agro Food Network: Mélissa Uldry 'Absicherungsstrategien gegen Trockenperioden in der schweizerischen Grünlandproduktion'
First Prize of the Best Bachelor and Master Thesis Awards by the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology (external page SGA): Willemijn Vroege for her Master Thesis 'Neighbourhood Effects in Farm Diversification - A Dutch Case Study'
Second Prize of the Best Bachelor and Master Thesis Awards by the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology (external page SGA): David Lanter for his Master Thesis 'Profitability of Firms in European Food Retailing'
Third Prize of the Best Bachelor and Master Thesis Awards by the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology (external page SGA): Sandro Michael for his Master Thesis 'Which are the most relevant risk factors in Swiss dairy market and is there consequently an efficiently operating tool insuring those risks?'
ETH Medal for Willemijn Vroege who was awarded the ETH Medal for her outstanding Master Thesis ‘Neighbourhood Effects in Farm Diversification – A Dutch Case Study’
Best Poster Award at the 2017 Research Symposium of the World Food System Center of ETH Zurich. Schaub, S., Buchmann, N., Lüscher, A. Finger, R. 'Value of species diversity in grasslands’.
Best Contributed Paper Award at the 15th Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (external page EAAE). Bozzola, Di Falco, Finger: ‘Time Variant Risk Preferences in Agriculture: Evidences from Italy’
Best Paper Award at the 57th Conference of the German Society of Economic and Social Sciences in Agriculture (external page GEWISOLA) Böcker, Britz, Finger: ‘Modelling the effects of glyphosate ban on weed management in maize production’
Best Presentation Award at the conference of the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology (external page SGA) for Stefan Hirsch "Sustainable firm profitability in the EU and US food processing industry"
First Prize of the Best Bachelor and Master Thesis Awards by the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology (external page SGA): Marc Chautems for his Bachelor thesis ‘Design and implications of a tradable certificates system for cropland protection in Switzerland‘.
Second prize of the Best Bachelor and Master Thesis Awards by the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology (external page SGA): Janic Bucheli for his Bachelor thesis ‚Auswirkungen von Investitionen und Finanzierungen neuer Milchviehställe im Schweizer Mittelland unter Berücksichtigung von Investitionsförderungen‘