Data and Software

Our vision is to make data, code, software and other information generated in our research available to other researchers and the public as often as possible. Here, we will provide links to the archives and licenses used.



A large number of datasets is made freely accessible via the ETH Research Collection. Please find an overview here >>

Moreover, the AECP group aims to publish data articles to facilitate re-use of datasets. Please find an overview here >>


Software and Models   

Developed software and models created in the AECP Group are freely accessible either via the ETH Research Collection >> and/or on our Github site external page >>

Below you find a selection of recent software items and optimization and simulation models developed by our group


Schaub, S. (2020). robomit: Robustness Checks for Omitted Variable Bias external page >>

Vroege, W. et al. (2020). RCGLS: Download and Open Data Provided by the Copernicus Global Land Service external page >>

Möhring et al. (2021). PesticideLoadIndicator. Computes Danish Pesticide Load Indicator external page >>

Optimization and simulation models

Agent-based modelling framework FARMIND

Böcker, T., Finger, R. (2018). Bio-economic model on weed control in cultivation of wheat. >>

Spiegel, A., Britz, W., Finger. R. (2017) A real-option farm-level model on investment in perennial energy crops under risk considerations. doi: 10.3929/ethz-b-000219189 >>

Böcker, T., Britz, W., Finger, R. (2017). Bio-economic model on weed management in maize production. >>. Related to the Publication: Böcker, T., Britz, W., Finger, R. (2018). Modelling the effects of a glyphosate ban on weed management in silage maize production. Ecological Economics 145: 182–193 external page >>

Huber, R. et al. (2016). ALUAM. The Alpine Land-Use Allocation Model (ALUAM) is a spatially explicit, agent-based land-use model. The model is calibrated and validated for the Visp region, an inner-alpine mountain area in Switzerland. ALUAM had been used in various scientific case studies addressing climate change, ecosystem service provision and policy evaluation. License, documentation and code can be found here. November 2016


Digitalization of 'IAW Schriftenreihe'

The hardcopies of the report series of the former institute for agricultural economics (Institut für Agrarwirtschaft IAW) at ETH Zurich, ‘IAW Schriftenreihe’ have been digitalized. More than 50 reports that have been published from 1991 till 2004 are now available at the ETH Research collection.   


Digitization Yearbooks of the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Sociology

The Yearbooks of the Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Sociology, starting from 1973 are digitised and freely available online external page here


Open Access Publications

Open access to many AECP publications can be obtained here

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