Digitalization of 'IAW Schriftenreihe'

The hardcopies of the report series of the former institute for agricultural economics (Institut für Agrarwirtschaft IAW) at ETH Zurich, ‘IAW Schriftenreihe’ have been digitalized! More than 50 reports that have been published from 1991 till 2004 are now available via the e-collection of ETH.
Agroeconet Colloquium

The AECP group participates at the Agroeconet colloquium, with presentations from various Swiss agricultural economic research groups. The seminars take place at ETH Zurich, on September 21 and November 17, 2016. A detailed program can be found on the Agroeconet webpage.
New Publication on Weather Index-based Insurance

New publication by Tobias Dalhaus and Robert Finger on ‘Can Gridded Precipitation Data and Phenological Observations Reduce Basis Risk of Weather Index-based Insurance?’ published in Weather, Climate and Society.